Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Idle Hand

This week has been a doozy when it comes to pain. The pain is so severe, it feels like there is a force pulling my body down towards the ground. It's not at a level 10 (more like a 7-8) so I continue to go to work even though my body is screaming at me. I figure that it can scream at me at home or at work, either way it's going to scream and I need to get paid.

So, I spend some time every day laying on the thereputic half foam roll in my office. See:
 photo hand6_zpsdde04d78.jpg

As I  laid there on the foam roll, I got a little bored. That's when I noticed my bag of fingers:
 photo hand1_zps0e451918.jpg

And then the fun began:
 photo hand5_zps4b6eac7d.jpg

 photo hand4_zpsc3c663d5.jpg
 photo hand3_zps93c3251b.jpg
 photo hand2_zpsf2a86b25.jpg

That was fun while it lasted.


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