Bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium.
I only have a few weeks of school left which means I have a shit ton of work to get done.
Today, I worked from 6:00 a.m. straight through to 3:00. I then went to class from 3:00 – 5:45, drove home, and resumed working from 6:10 – 8:00.
I still have a shit ton of work to do.
Tomorrow, I will be at school at 6:00 a.m., again, and will work my ass off all day long and into the evening.
After tomorrow, I will still have a shit ton of work to do.
And so I will work steadily through the next few weeks. I will not be able to eat, or sleep as a regular person. Both of those daily life necessities get all screwed up when I am stressed. Dale just made me a yummy chalupa that I could only take two bites of before the stress monster in my belly started clawing at my insides.
I am jealous of Dale, who is about to go play some night disc golf.
I am jealous of anybody that can leave their work at the office and not worry about it when they get home.
I am jealous of pot smokers, because maybe the MJ allows for some relief from the stress.
Well, maybe not. I don’t want to get all fat from the twinkie consumption.
Writing up this blog post was somewhat therapeutic. At least there is that.
In a few weeks, everyone will be jealous of me because I will be on vacation for almost a month!!!!
Well, everybody but Rachel (since she too has some of the summer free to frolic in the sunshine).
I gotsta keep my eye on the prize.