Monday, April 24, 2006


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Bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium.
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I only have a few weeks of school left which means I have a shit ton of work to get done.
Today, I worked from 6:00 a.m. straight through to 3:00. I then went to class from 3:00 – 5:45, drove home, and resumed working from 6:10 – 8:00.

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I still have a shit ton of work to do.

Tomorrow, I will be at school at 6:00 a.m., again, and will work my ass off all day long and into the evening.
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After tomorrow, I will still have a shit ton of work to do.

And so I will work steadily through the next few weeks. I will not be able to eat, or sleep as a regular person. Both of those daily life necessities get all screwed up when I am stressed. Dale just made me a yummy chalupa that I could only take two bites of before the stress monster in my belly started clawing at my insides.

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I am jealous of Dale, who is about to go play some night disc golf.
I am jealous of anybody that can leave their work at the office and not worry about it when they get home.
I am jealous of pot smokers, because maybe the MJ allows for some relief from the stress.
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Well, maybe not. I don’t want to get all fat from the twinkie consumption.

Writing up this blog post was somewhat therapeutic. At least there is that.

In a few weeks, everyone will be jealous of me because I will be on vacation for almost a month!!!!
Well, everybody but Rachel (since she too has some of the summer free to frolic in the sunshine).

I gotsta keep my eye on the prize.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Pandora's Ipop

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The good people over at have done something kick ass! It started out with their Music Genome Project in which they would analyze music types and such. They decided to start a website that allows you to create a unique radio station in which you enter a name of a band or song you like and the station, through analysis of the music, begins to play music that shares similar components to what you entered.

It’s cool, because you can discover new music.

You can create as many radio stations as you want.

I love it, because I am constantly looking for new tunes for the ipop.

Go check it out!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Flour Sack Babies

Rachel found this picture of herself, Margaret, and myself posing with other classmates while holding our flour sack babies.

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Can you spot us? We are the three in the lower right corner.
This picture was taken, I think, when I was in 6th grade and Margaret and Rachel were in 5th. It might have been that I was in 5th and they were in 4th, though. That’s really not the point.

The point is where we were and what we were doing while posing for this photo on a sunny day in Lubbock.

Here is the message Rachel sent me that accompanied the picture
“Hope your 29th year is a fabulous one! I'm sure that your normal childhood prepared you well for adulthood. I mean, isn't it normal to go with your catholic school class and your flour sack babies to protest at an abortion clinic? Everyone did that, right?”

Seriously, that is what we were doing!
I had blocked this memory from my childhood, but the picture brought it all flooding back.
The priest and some of our parents took us all out, with flour sack babies in tow, to stand in front of the local abortion clinic. I suppose they hoped that our presence would act as some kind of deterrent for the woman seeking to end their unwanted pregnancies. Maybe they thought that our creepy looking homemade babies would convince them that they really did want to keep what they had inside of them. Maybe they thought that our creepy looking homemade babies would convince them that they had a baby inside of them that ought to be given a chance at life.

What probably actually happened was that the sight of our creepy ass babies scared the women even more so than they already were.

Listen, I am Pro-life. My adult brain has allowed me to think through the issue, and I have come to the pro-life decision on my own. The issue of abortion is so sticky and in my opinion, it is not so black and white. The grey areas are what keep my brain in a constant game of ping-pong, knocking the issue back and forth.

Back when this picture was taken, I was pro-life because I was told to be so. Parents instill in their children what they believe to be right or wrong and I have no beef with that. I do have beef with the fact that they used us as protesting tools before we had the chance to know if that was something we really wanted to do. I guess we all make mistakes.

It’s just another crazy story from my upbringing.

Don’t get me wrong, some of the crazy ways I was brought up turned out to be true blessings. I can not think of many things I would change in my child hood.

I leave you with a close up of my flour sack baby:
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I can’t believe that damn thing did not give me nightmares.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What was on my camera

The Josh:

He is not yet finished remodeling the place, so don’t judge it.
At Josh’s, Dale and Josh played a lil’ music.
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All hail the Dukes of Buccleuch

I hung out on the couch and read comic books
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I can’t help it if my legs look sexy in this pic.

And then, Josh played air guitar while we listened to some CDs.
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The Birthday cup:
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I did not go anywhere on my b-day but I sure as hell did drink out of my cup.
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The Ipod
Lee and Josh listen to Danny rap over Dale’s beats on my ipop.
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Why are they smiling?

The leg brace:
Rachel had a crazy night with the gals and has this new element of her wardrobe to prove it:
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Something tells me we will be holding each other up again somewhere down the road.
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The Lee
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Lee and I reminisced about the Austin Journey we took on, together.

The Swell
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Dale had a little swelling after having all 4 wisdom teeth yanked from his skull.

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Here is an e-mail he sent Danny describing the event.. (yes, I do have his password)
Dearest Newox,

I just returned home after having my jaw fucking ripped off. The dentist said he has never seen roots as big as mine, and that they were angled outward instead of straight. My lower left molar held on so tight that he broke it with the pliers. He had to drill the broken side to get a flat surface to pull against. The dental assistant was freaked out and looked like she was about to faint. I had to calm her ass down. I enjoy having a Vietnamese dude yanking on my tooth for 25 minutes at a time. This niggums don't need any nitrus, just local juice. Jam THAT up your girlfriends asshole. I'm watching 90210 right now and I am on 1000mg of vicodin. I'm watching 90210 right now and I am on 1000mg of vicodin. Rock over London, Rock on Chicago, Frank Brown--the smaller profit man..

Saturday, April 08, 2006


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A while back, I started getting these horrible pop up messages on my computer that were pornographic in nature. I would be in class, taking notes, and BAM! A message from adult friend finder would pop up big as the sun with huge, bold, black text asking me “Who do you want to F**K tonight”?

Along with that question, several pictures appeared of topless women in various poses. Dale tried to get the damn thing to stop corrupting my world, but his efforts were fruitless.

Well, the other day I was in class and this message popped up:

A message from Adult Friend Finder
“You received this message because you were most likely directed to Adult Friend Finder by one of our affiliates who was using marketing or advertising methods that are in violation of our Terms of Use and Affiliate Agreement.
The person who directed you to our site has been banned from doing business with us. We apologize for any inconvenience that the offending activity may have caused. “
There were no nasty pictures accompanying this message. It was a plain message with a white background. This message has popped up a few times, and I am hoping it will eventually stop. Still, I would much rather have this thing surprise attacking my ass than it’s alternative.
So thank you, adult friend finder, for realizing that I do not use your services. I really appreciate that. Also, Fuck you, adult friend finder, for putting me on your nasty ass porn list in the first place. Your virus pop up has made it quite embarrassing for me to take notes in class. I am sure at least one gal that has sat behind me at some point probably thinks I am a swinger.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Do you like music?

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I am feeding my I-Pop, (yes, I said I-Pop..I like the way it feels when I say it), new music all the time. I have already uploaded all of my cd’s on it and am currently making appointments with my friends to do the same things with theirs.

I am being selective, mind you, and only choosing the best songs on the albums. Some albums are worthy of an entire upload, like Get Behind Me Satan- the White Stripes.

I am also using the itunes music store to get singles. I just got Time After Time- Cyndi Lauper…You know you love that shit.

Anyway, I would like for my 8 readers to give me a few suggestions on songs that I should upload (is it upload or download?). So please leave me a comment with a suggestion for a song or two that I should put on the ol music machine.

I will let ya know if I got it or not.

Come on….I am addicted. I need more music.

Love, Sarah