Misprint's 6th Annual Beard & Moustache Competition
This is my second year to attend the Beard and Moustache Competition at the Mohawk. Like last year, I had a prime position in the front row. Also like last year, Billy Gibbons (from ZZ Top, duh) made an appearance. I had my iphone with me so I took some video of his performance. Little did I know I was about to receive his double Z keychain! Check out the video, and remember that I am behind the camera.....screaming like a little girl at a Justin Bieber concert. Oh, and the video is sideways. I was so excited, I forgot how to hold my phone. Here we go:
How awesome was that? Matt Bearden is the man that actually handed me the keychain. He is a very funny comedian/morning show host/host of Punch! Comedy.
I go to the Beard and Moustache competitions for 2 reasons. 1. to check out dudes with beards and 2. because Matt Bearden makes me laugh. These contests last over 3 hours and home slice is "on" and very funny the entire time. I mean, that can't be easy. It's quite impressive.
Ok, enough about Bearden....let's move onto the beards!
Alex Laroche shows us his Basketball Hoop Beard:

Very creative, funny, and maybe my favorite beard of the night.
Moustache Back

I wish I had a good picture of this guys front. He had a moustache that went from his face, down his neck, and down his chest. He was one hairy bastard.

I think this guy one the Freestyle Category.

Texas flag speedo. Enough said.
I'll show you the rest tomorrow.
Wait, one more....

Awwwwwwwww yeah!
How awesome was that? Matt Bearden is the man that actually handed me the keychain. He is a very funny comedian/morning show host/host of Punch! Comedy.
I go to the Beard and Moustache competitions for 2 reasons. 1. to check out dudes with beards and 2. because Matt Bearden makes me laugh. These contests last over 3 hours and home slice is "on" and very funny the entire time. I mean, that can't be easy. It's quite impressive.
Ok, enough about Bearden....let's move onto the beards!
Alex Laroche shows us his Basketball Hoop Beard:

Very creative, funny, and maybe my favorite beard of the night.
Moustache Back

I wish I had a good picture of this guys front. He had a moustache that went from his face, down his neck, and down his chest. He was one hairy bastard.

I think this guy one the Freestyle Category.

Texas flag speedo. Enough said.
I'll show you the rest tomorrow.
Wait, one more....

Awwwwwwwww yeah!