My good buddy Crazy Amy e-mailed me an invite to the Entertainment Weekly SXSW Party. There were some great bands playing plus free food and drinks. Sign me up, bub!
We made it in time to see two bands. First up, J Roddy Walston and the Business.

Gotta love that name...This was my second time to see these fellas and let me tell you, they do not disappoint. They produce High energy, Fast beat, finger pounding on the keys music that reminds you of why you love rock-n-roll.
Up next, Delta Spirit. I have been trying to see this band for a few years now, but every time they come to town something happens to prevent me from going to the show. It's like there is some sort of Delta Spirit Curse. Whenever they come to town, I am either sick, or my back is out, or I am recovering from surgery, or they are playing the crap-fest known as the ACL festival. (just kidding about the ACL festival being a crap-fest....well, sort-of kidding). But this time, I finally got to see them! It was awesome to see them in such a small venu (Rattle Inn)! I mean, they were playing Stubbs later on and they had the place packed.
When they came out on stage the lead singer (Matt Vasquez) encouraged the intimate crowd to come up close. As he used his hands to wave us forward he said, "come on...it's fun time."

I own 3 Delta Spirit records so I already knew I loved their music. This show proved to me that they are a great live band as well. Each member looked like they were having a good time, the entire time, even though they surely were tired from having played a number of showcases at this point.

Delta Spirit came back to Austin yesterday. Dale, Miss Bee, and I all had tickets and were excited to see them play a full set. Unfortunately, the Delta Spirit Curse came back to haunt me. My beloved dog, Cooper, was struck with back problems on Thursday night. We took him to the ER Vet and then to the regular Vet the next day. It seems he has some disc damage. We have him on a strict schedule of meds and bed rest. Hopefully, he will heal without having to have surgery. Dachshunds are porne to disc disease. I just never wanted to believe either of my dogs were susceptible. Needless to say, we missed the show.

My heart is already breaking as I know he is in pain. I know he wants to run outside and chase squirrels. I know he knows something is wrong. It is killing me. To make things worse, today this picture is part of a collage featured on google's main page:

Apparently, it's photographer Robert Doisneau's 100th birthday and google felt it necessary to honor him. Pshh. Wish they would have checked with me first. That image sent me into my 15th crying spell of the day. Thanks, Google!