Mmmmmm, cookies.
I have to tell you that I was offered a homemade chocolate chip cookie with nuts today. The chocolate chip w/nuts is my favorite cookie.
I turned it down.
Yea me! I have not won the battle, but I am in the trenches fighting.
Also, I threw away all of the extra fortune cookies we had from our recent PF Changs take-out order.
Victory will be mine.
In other news:
I am suffering from Post Potter Depression (I am officially coining that phrase). I have already seen the new movie and I have read the most recent book ages ago. Who knows when the next one will be out. I don’t know what I will do when the series is over. Ok, that last statement was a bit pathetic.
I am still reeling from the Walk The Line movie. Anytime Johnny Cash is on TV, I am glued to it. I think I will pick up his autobiography.
Does Lost come on tonight? I hope so. I need some mindless tv time.
Right now, I am posting this useless blog entry so that I can continue to procrastinate. I have a paper due tomorrow and I am only half way finished. Bleh!